HCOHSEM, MOPD and Deaf Link Create Preparedness and Safety Videos for Deaf and Hard Of Hearing Commu
November 11, 2020
HCOHSEM, MOPD and Deaf Link Create Preparedness and Safety Videos for Deaf and Hard Of Hearing Community
Houston, Texas — The Harris County Office of Homeland Security & Emergency Management (HCOHSEM), in collaboration with the Houston Mayor's Office for People with Disabilities (MOPD) and Deaf Link, have developed preparedness and safety videos for individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing.
The partnership is designed to ensure that the deaf and hard of hearing community has access to preparedness and emergency information via sign language interpreting, with English and Spanish subtitles. These videos are one of many steps HCOHSEM is taking to reach all members of the diverse Harris County community.
"Harris County understands that those who are deaf or hard of hearing need access to life-saving information when disasters strike, just like any other part of our community. This partnership is all about providing access to this underserved community and we are excited to make it happen," said Francisco Sanchez, Harris County Deputy Emergency Management Coordinator.
Gabe Cazares, City of Houston Mayor's Office for People with Disabilities Director said, “We are excited to see increased accessibility in Harris County. All partnerships that center on increasing access and information for people with disabilities are valued.”
HCOHSEM, MOPD, and Deaf Link created a series of American Sign Language videos in English and Spanish that include topics such as:
- Anxiety and Behavioral Health
- Evacuation Assistance
- Evacuations
- Flood Insurance
- Get a Kit
- Make a Plan
- Medical Care and Disasters
- Pet Preparedness
- Power Outage
- Sheltering Information
- Stay Informed
All of the videos can be viewed on the Ready Harris website at https://www.readyharris.org/Accessible-Videos or on the Ready Harris YouTube channel at https://bit.ly/38tR157 (case sensitive).
HCOHSEM is a national model of best practices in emergency planning, preparation, response, and recovery. HCOHSEM helps prepare, safeguard and protect the residents and property of Harris County from the effects of disasters through effective planning, preparation, response, and recovery activities. HCOHSEM partners with regional transportation, industry, healthcare, education, and non-profit groups to ensure Harris County is resilient and ready to respond to any emergency. Harris County is the third largest county in the United States, covering 1,777 square miles.
About MOPD
The mission of MOPD is to serve as the primary advocate for the rights and needs of citizens with disabilities. The Office also serves as a liaison between the mayor, city council, city departments and other public and private entities on matters pertaining to people with disabilities in Houston. MOPD's vision is a city where everyone understands the importance of equal participation and full inclusion of all citizens, including citizens with disabilities.
About Deaf Link
Deaf Link leads the nation in the development and implementation of services and solutions to ensure inclusion and equal access for persons with sensory disabilities. Deaf Link is based in San Antonio TX and operates 24/365 from a secure communication and production facility. Deaf Link’s Video Remote Interpreter (VRI) sessions are secure, encrypted and confidential to meet HIPAA requirements.
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