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Texas Health and Human Services Commission | HHSC Announce SNAP, WIC Replacement Benefits for Counties Impacted by Hurricane Beryl

AUSTIN –Acting Governor Dan Patrick today announced that the Texas Health and HumanServices Commission received federal approval allowing recipients of theSupplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) to apply for replacementbenefits for food lost or destroyed from Hurricane Beryl. The SpecialSupplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children (WIC) is alsoreplacing food and formula benefits lost during the hurricane.

"Therecent storms have impacted many families across the state. By providing thesereplacement food benefits, we will offer relief to those who need our help themost," said Acting Governor Patrick. "As we continue our recoveryprocess, it is vital that SNAP and WIC recipients have access to these benefitsto continue to feed their families."

"Threemillion homes and businesses lost power with Hurricane Beryl’s impact, whichcaused people’s food to go bad, and many were forced to discard spoiled foodbecause they had to evacuate. This loss was especially painful for families whorely on SNAP benefits," said HHSC Deputy Executive Commissioner of Accessand Eligibility Services Molly Regan. "Replacement food benefits willrelieve some of the challenges many Texans are currentlyfacing." 

Toreplace food lost or destroyed by the storms that began July 8, SNAP recipientsmust apply for replacement benefits that will be placed on their Lone StarCards within two business days once benefits are approved.

SNAPrecipients in 121 counties listed in Acting Governor Patrick’s disasterdeclarations must apply for replacement benefits by August 8. Affected countiesare listed below. Beginning July 11, recipients can apply by dialing 2-1-1 andselecting Option 8.

Recipientscan also download Form H1855 (Affidavitfor Nonreceipt or Destroyed SNAP Benefits). Completed forms should be mailed toTexas Health and Human Services Commission, P.O. Box 149027, Austin, TX,78714-9027, or faxed to 877-447-2839.

Recipientswho live in counties other than those listed below can apply for replacementbenefits in person within 10 days of discovering their food was lost ordestroyed due to the recent storms. Individuals in those counties must go to a local benefits office torequest replacement food benefits.

HHSC isalso providing crisis counseling for Texans affected by this disaster throughlocal mental health authorities. To locate a local mental health authority,visit the Where Can I Find Services page. 

Additionally,the WIC program, administered by HHSC, is replacing food and formula benefitslost during Hurricane Beryl through July 31, 2024. Families can visit orcall 800-942-3678 from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, and selectOption 3 to speak with an operator who will help find an open WIC location. WICparticipants will need to go to the WIC office in order to replace foodbenefits. WIC also offers 24/7 breastfeeding assistance through its lactationsupport hotline: 855-550-6667.

“Many WICrecipients have been impacted by Hurricane Beryl,” said Rob Ries, HHSC DeputyExecutive Commissioner for Family Health Services. “Texas WIC and local WICoffices are here to help meet their food, formula and breastfeeding needs asquickly as possible.”  

Any Texanin need can apply for benefits, including SNAP and Medicaid, at orcan use the Your Texas Benefits mobile app to manage their benefits. To findlocal resources, such as food or shelter, dial 2-1-1 and select Option1. 

Affectedcounties: Anderson, Angelina, Aransas, Atascosa, Austin, Bastrop, Bee, Bexar,Bell, Bowie, Brazoria, Brazos, Brooks, Burleson, Caldwell, Calhoun, Cameron,Camp, Cass, Chambers, Cherokee, Collin, Colorado, Comal, Dallas, Delta, DeWitt,Dimmit, Duval, Ellis, Falls, Fannin, Fayette, Fort Bend, Franklin, Freestone,Frio, Galveston, Goliad, Gonzales, Grayson, Gregg, Grimes, Guadalupe, Hardin,Harris, Harrison, Hays, Henderson, Hidalgo, Hill, Hopkins, Houston, Hunt,Jackson, Jasper, Jefferson, Jim Hogg, Jim Wells, Karnes, Kaufman, Kenedy,Kinney, Kleberg, Lamar, LaSalle, Lavaca, Lee, Leon, Liberty, Limestone, LiveOak, Madison, Marion, Matagorda, Maverick, McLennan, McMullen, Medina, Milam,Montgomery, Morris, Nacogdoches, Navarro, Newton, Nueces, Orange, Panola, Polk,Rains, Red River, Refugio, Robertson, Rockwall, Rusk, Sabine, San Augustine,San Jacinto, San Patricio, Shelby, Smith, Starr, Titus, Travis, Trinity, Tyler,Upshur, Uvalde, Van Zandt, Victoria, Walker, Waller, Washington, Webb, Wharton,Willacy, Williamson, Wilson, Wood, Zapata and Zavala.